i am out of reach
all i ever needed is twice removed
attracted by the light
blinded my the sight
cracked eyes
wearing: dress+jacket+shoesies: topshop, white petticoat (underneath)+belt: american apparel, socks: leg avenue/ ebay.com, sunnies: lanvin for h&m
ABSOLUTELY love this look.
the dress is so cute and you're adorable.
i find your blog to be amazingly inspiring
i love the combination of the jacket and the dress! you look stunning :))
great outfit! Cute dress, sexy red lips and sporty jacket is very good choice
Love these photos. Especially the last one!
Yay... finnaly, you made a post..!!
really love this outfit..and those socks are really your signature style.. :D
You look like an amazing, broken doll- love it!
Lovely dress and socks :)
LOVE this. lovelyy dress, and those shoes with those socks! adorable.
I love your shoes <3
Lovely dress :)
you look like perfect!!!
Great dress and heels!
Check out my Stylish Confessions!
I love this look! It's so cute - the jacket with that dress is genius :)
Love Ellen
You look like a girl from the seventies, with a footballplayer boyfriend :)
Love it!
Tetszik a zokni szandállal, olyan, mintha direkt a ruhához tervezték volna! De Bécsben sincs sokkal melegebb, mint itt, nem?
That is so adorable. I absolutely love that you used those lacy little socks to go with your shoes, how innovative!
Stacey Kay
“Runway Inspiration, Vintage Decoration”
Women’s Fashion Examiner-Cleveland
Love this lil' girl look :)
This sunnies are gorgeous. & I like this dress... The skirt come from topshop too or AA ?
xoxo, Céline
Stunning outfit!
I want your hair! I'm seriously considering to dye it, but I've got black hair...you think that's gonna work? :)
I'm in love of this outfit!
And of all your blog!
Thanks to share this beautiful outfits, pictures!
Great continuation!!
love ur look
great dress :)
wie kannst du nur so kurz nach der geburt schon wieder so fantastisch aussehen? *.*
Danke fürs zurücksein! ;)
lg aus london liebes!
that dress is adorable and the combo with that jacket is truly amazing!
j'adore, j'adore ton look, tout me plait, et tes shoes sont superbes
Hey you varsity babydoll.... looking gorgeous as eva!! So envious of your Lanvin for H&M shades..
:: Farrah @ DISTRIKMODE ::
so cute. perfect combination :)
you look really good! rocking the coat!
Hotness. Dont you have cold legs? Congrats with the Bershka thing babe.
love this smart outfit! Love the collegiate touch, very nice, xo -nb
Ohw thx for the answer. &... Well, i don't feel so confortable in my body. I don't look like you so...I can't for the moment just take all my body.
xoxo, Céline
Very cute
Absolutely stunning! Love those shoes and socks.
xoxo irene
your hair is just perfect right now. love the socks/sandal combo
the photos here are sooo sooo good!!!
This outfit is amazing! I love your blog!
Love this look!!
ooh, very cute! I love wearing my socks like that! so girly!
B So Chic!
I have the same chaquet from TOPSHOP!!! =)!!!
mad perfection as always!
come visit the completely new COSMICaroline again soon and see the better layout, revamped outfits, and a new photographer!
Love this!!
u look stunnin:)
amazing look :)
I'm your new follower
will you follow me back please?
I want that jacket. Very very much. I love this sweet, retro look on you :-)
love your style!
Nice look. So gorgeous.
I loooove your jacket !!
check my blog ;)
you can follow me if you want :)
The jacket is so cute! I remember when I was in your age, I also used to wear those kinds of stuff too!
I fucking love this outfit. Makes me think of Courtney Love in her best sunday dress.
It's the first time i left a comment, after following your blog for a while. Cheers.
Such a brilliant combination - love the girly dress (esp. with petticoat too) and this jacket together
Looking great!
Brain is exploding from the fifties jock meets fifties housewifey meets nineties grunge meets tea party meets f***in awesomeness. SERIOUSLY?!?! YOU ARE THE BOMB.
Such a great look! I love the girliness of the frilly socks and dress teamed with the bomber jacket!
You are working this.. love the way this has been put together, great styling.
super combo again
love your blog!!!
these photos are so good !!
your are so great. totally love your
style and your blog. going to follow you.
love this outfit, u r remainding me tylor momsen at all, i'll follow your blog, mostly because of your stunning photos
I looove you!!!
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