ok, its that time of the year again to look back and to think,
wtf is wrong with you eszter? what happened with your new years resolutions?
-me every year.
its also the time of the year to feel great joy
or big sadness.
things change, life is a stunning motherfucker,
and you never know what that bitch is up to next.
its a tricky task sometimes.
we all know dark places, demons, and times when you have the feeling shit never stops and it seems nothing can make you feel better.
but when you least expect it, maybe tomorrow, maybe even today,
life turns upside down again.
simply because thats what life does for living.
that is a promise.
reach out, hang on, dont let go.
you are not alone.
truest story ever.
i love you kiddos, take care.
your mommy