This outfit is AMAZING!!! I couldn't stop staring when I first saw it.. the shorts with those tights is genius... and then the colour of that sheer blouse..
i cant belive you already lost your big tummy;-) i have followed your blog for some while, i really like yor style, and on top of it, im pregnant to - and your style og amazing clothes og pictures inspires me a lot!!
congrats on your little beautiful baby, i hope i´ll be as cool a mom as you are, when it my turn:-)
omg how stylish and unique can u be!!??? every time you have something better and better and better. You're an endless inspiration my doll. And i wish you could post more often, cause everytime you do, you give me huge smile!! needless to comment on your super beautiful outfit.. i'm dying for these tights. and the shoes. and the shirt. oh and the jacket. oh and the belt. and you know what?? your mix&match ->one of the best ever! kiss u
wow. congratulations. what a stylish mummy. you remind me of my own time of pregnancy. and when i read your descriptions i really could find myself. i hope your little guy is doing well and you can sleep through.
hey ! how is it going ? how is the baby ?? big kisses !! love this outfit the cape is sick I want it too !!! You know we are opening an online shop soon will send you the link ;) CIAO BELLA !
You're amazing!
youre back! im so exited i cant hardly wait to seem more!
congrats on your sweet sweet new born!
hope youre having a wonderful week love
I just say, Ilove it. You look amazing. owsome cape!!! xxxxx have great day!!!
This outfit is AMAZING!!! I couldn't stop staring when I first saw it.. the shorts with those tights is genius... and then the colour of that sheer blouse..
Well done!!!
I'd be honoured if you would visit:
Kaye xx
nice shoes!
the best leopard tights ever
omg you look so fab!!! perfect legs and perfect baby - lucky you!
Hard to believe you just had a baby!
You most the the most stylish mom I've ever seen! Congrats on your cute baby boy and love the leopard legs, miauw! :D
lovely, i really like your hair.
- Matea
those tights are perfect. going to scout them out!
F <-- texas gal bloggin fashion from NYC!
toll !!! love it!!!
the most fashionable mommy around! i love the burgundy colors mixed with leopard. AND THOSE SHOES. you look flawless :)
absolutely gorgeous!
that shorts/tights combo is amazing!
SO RAWR! i love this, ya look amaze!
ooh i like your cape and leather shorts and you always rock the leopard print tights!
those tights look amazing! i need to hunt down a good couple of pairs of tights myself for this fall.
i love it!! never change
cool cape, good to see you back in action:)))
You're Queen of Leopard Tights! I must admit when I was looking for inspiration on what to wear mine with, I went through your blog :)
LOVE your bag!! Great to have you postin' again!
Please Visit & Join
God, I love your style!
You are so freekin awesome!
The wine red is very pretty!
Love the Poncho.
i almost bought that cape... then i didn't. i think you just made me realize i need to go back and get it :)
you look amazing! i love your outfit posts! missed ya whilst you were away...
hope the fam is all happy and smiling :)
gorgeous outfit!!!
add me on facebook or lookbook if you want ;)
i cant belive you already lost your big tummy;-) i have followed your blog for some while, i really like yor style, and on top of it, im pregnant to - and your style og amazing clothes og pictures inspires me a lot!!
congrats on your little beautiful baby, i hope i´ll be as cool a mom as you are, when it my turn:-)
love the cape! looks gorgeous against the red. the tights are an added bonus ;)
darling I find your style amazing
just wanted to leave you some digital love
x Olga
Diggin' the cape lady!
Ah, die Ledershorts !!! <3
Muss ich mir auch im Zara krallen :)
Gute Besserung dir Liebes!
You look amazing! Great shots and post...
Lovely blog!
Follow you follow me too!!!
I love your tights! They look great with the red in your outfit xxx
Ist das Cape aktuell von Zara?! My new object of desire...
looking amazing hun.
love maroon on maroon <3
omg how stylish and unique can u be!!??? every time you have something better and better and better. You're an endless inspiration my doll. And i wish you could post more often, cause everytime you do, you give me huge smile!! needless to comment on your super beautiful outfit.. i'm dying for these tights. and the shoes. and the shirt. oh and the jacket. oh and the belt. and you know what?? your mix&match ->one of the best ever! kiss u
You rock girl!! your style is really inspiring. Check out my photoblog at,
Wow, nagyon szuper kis szett! Nem is tudtam, hogy a bordĆ³ ilyen vagĆ”ny is lehet! Nagyon cuki a babĆ”d Ć©s Ć©n is szeretnĆ©k ilyen jĆ³l kinĆ©zni szĆ¼lĆ©s utĆ”n :-)
Ćdv SopronbĆ³l!
love this look! the rusty color is fantastic and also the cape... its cut is so unexpected!
You look amazing!!!
I'm dying to wear tights again, but is to hot here...
This monochromatic look ROCKS!! I really love the tights and I'm not even a fan of the leopard trend. Way to convert me.
WOW. this is awesome.
Hot momma! Congratulations for having your baby! x
congrats for the baby girl !!
you're one stylish mother !!
glistersandblisters dot com
ou man I adore your style and attitude! And congrats of the baby ! good to have you back <3 waiting for more!!!
wow. congratulations.
what a stylish mummy.
you remind me of my own time of pregnancy. and when i read your descriptions i really could find myself.
i hope your little guy is doing well and you can sleep through.
love from germany,
just found your blog. its AMAZING. i love your hair!
This outfit is too damn good! :D I hate you!;)
you're a fashion super hero.
fabulous - I especially love the play in proportions and those killer tights
i really don´t wanna use the term awesome but i can´t find another word for this. just AWESOME.
cool and hot shorts, love them so much! Awesome look as usual! <3
Gorgeous tights!
Luv Friend in Fashion
love animal print!
please visit ;)
WOW YOU LOOK GORGEOUS, CHICK! :) I like your blog. Hope you will become a follower of my blog too?
Gosh, love your style! This is amazing. Love the dark red color of the pants with the belt and shirt in different red colors. Lovely.
your look is beyond cool, love the mix of bordeaux + tan leather + kaki cape + touch of leo - mastering Fall colours!
Oh just discovered your blog, love it :) Loooove those leggings xxx
Such a perfect shot. She is so gorgeous with that attire.
unbeschreiblich wunderbar!
damn! so rad and badass! love the color combo too!
so glad that you're back to blogging.
do drop by my blog when you have the time:
Š¾ŃŠµŠ½Ń Šø Š¾ŃŠµŠ½Ń))!!!*
so glad you back! big congrats on your baby - so perfect!
PS: you look fab
xoxo Birgitte
Love it! and i am so happy to see the healthy well dressed baby below, congrats :)
-I sent you an e-mail today, I hope you like gal :)
you looks like a teen not a mum. so hot so pretty
love your stockings with that heels make your legs great
I Love those Leopard tights, amazing x x
I loved your blog, very good. I'm from Brazil, gives a peek at my blog
she looks amazing!
so dramatic and moving!
nice shot!
I'm falling for her outfit...
your outfit is perfect!
hey !
how is it going ? how is the baby ?? big kisses !!
love this outfit the cape is sick I want it too !!! You know we are opening an online shop soon will send you the link
Hello!! I really like your blog!! it will be nice if you could check my :)
I don't know how, But I F* love you.
love the cape
i love that your outfits are so wrong that they are so right
so hottttt
you have awesome style.
saw your blog on style sample.... I love itt!!... it so unique and creative.
Hello you..
I think i've visited your very nice blog before.
Take a look at mine and follow me back if U like?
Keep up the good work!
You look amazing mama! Congrats on the cutie
gewagt, aber gut ;)
great look!
Fantastic bag.
The Heartbreak
not everyone can do with this outfit but you got perfect legs
such a hot outfit. i wanna all of those pieces
holy GaGa, you looks stuning and ravishing, great style, love it very much
really cool blog! great looks, and your hair...that's just amazing!
i followed(:
X zoƩ - -
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