
wer bin ich?und wenn ja,wieviele?

dear blog, i am really not sure where to go with you right now.i will think about it.i promise. dont think that i didnt love you, although you never completed me either.i will rethink our situation.some things have to change.yes.

yrs sincerly


Anonymous said...

I didn't even know you had a blog! linking it now. our names are so similar, I can't help but adore you.

Shini said...

your blog hears you and it's starting to weep in the corner.. :'( come backk definitely pwease!

heartu,kisses said...

wow you are beautiful.

ochjagba said...

it's ok. we all do need some time away from each other sometimes. ;)

i like your looks.

Ida said...

I really like your blog, actually I just blogged about your blog...

Anonymous said...

Oi woman! I just found your blog, don't you dare to stop now, mother!

Gee. What is awesome in this world always ends before you get to enjoy it!!

Ida said...

it's a compliment. Im kind a tiered of all the so called "fashion blogs". Most of them are plain boring. So far your blog is really great, and your outfits are so well pull of...