ok , although i have no fuckin clue bout fashion your sister will visit vienna fashionweek next week.
what has the world become?
note to myself:
-comb your hair
-blow your nose
-wear undies
-dont drink too much
-dont talk to strangers
-and if, just say yes
love eszter
i wear: jacket+shirt: h&m, shorts: vintage levis, shoesie: demonia/ebay.co.uk
Haha, great :D
Those shoes are freaking awesome!
BTW enjoy fashionweek, you have oodles of style so they are lucky to have you!...x
love the jacket!
xoxo Emma
i couldnt think of a more suited person! You look great, hope you're good!
love anya
Very cute outfit! I love the leather jacket
Really good pictures ! you look greaaaat ! i love you're style
Did you rip those tights yourself? They look awesome. Love this look!
i love th denim!
wow, Eszter, you are always fantastic.
love love love your style so much!
Ah ah love your "note to yourself" :D
Outfit, too, of course!
Wow, great look girl!!!
cool outfit!
Oh thanks! I designed the tattoo my self and im really pleased how it turned out.
I really love your style and im really glad that i found your blog.
kik im hintergrund :D
great pictures, as always.
I love your style. It's so rock 'n' roll! The pictures are awsome.
Take a look.
Sounds like a plan;) But really you are always fashionable! Love your outfit, I also always use my leopard scarf as a belt,looks great!
Very Blondie!
The shoes! Awesome...
i really like your shorts with tights!
jenny mindig is kedvenc volt.:P
jol, azthiszem..
csak nem tudtam ravenni magam hogy bemenjek a fosulira.
teljesen ertelmetlennek erzek mindent ami atlagos.
es te hogy vagy?
a note to you:
-never comb your hair. it's perfect.
Love the outfit!
specially creepers!!!!!!
wise words sweets. Love the shorts
loves it all ;)
I have the same belt...
great photos!
-disney on space
-fashion & cartoons
-Marc J
I think you've got your head on straight and can do no wrong. AH! So jealous! You're going to have so much fun!
I adore the shorts! Have fun!! wow!
Love your outfit, and especially your hair!
You are looking totally rad yet again. Btw dont comb ur hair, wear undies, and do drink and talk to strangers they have the best stories :-D
One Love,
my rock'n'roll queen!
love ya! hei you must teach me how to find things in ebay, I'm such a stupid and never find anything!
these photos look like paparazzi shots! love em.
and great notes : )
your hair is like the best thing on earth, seriously! Do you just bleach it?
Loving the striped so with that belt!
thanks for commenting!! I love your blog!!
I love your comments after your pics. Hysterics.
This outfit is awesome, love the leopard belt, LOVE the shoes!
Have fun at Vienna fashionweek!
love this outfit. Enjoy yourself at vienna fashion week. I'm sure you will if you stick to your 'note to self' :-)
Very cool outfit..and I love the bag.
Woman, I think I'm in love with you!
wow, you have such an awesome style, I really like it!
Alter Schwede du geile Sau!!! Sprengt wiedermal alles ;)
Also Berlin is der Hammer!! Es läuft alles gut und ich bin richtig froh den schritt gewagt zu haben und mein liebendes Wien zu verlassen :) - und was geht bei dir so? Was machst du eigentlich immer so?
Ich bin übrigens am 3 Oktober am Badeschiff Wien auflegen - vielleicht hast ja lust und kommst vorbei, dann setz ich dich auf die Liste!! Würd mi gfrain!!
BUSSIIII und weiter so Süsse du!!
have fun at vienna fashion week! show them how it's done =)
You look amazing hun!Have fun at Fashion Week and looking forward to see pictures from Vienna.
I like it.
Simple but cool.
creepers. <3
hiya, i've added your fab blog to my link list, hope thats ok!
I really love this outfit. It's like a mix of everything I'm loving right now-- striped top, demin shorts, ripped stockings and leather jackets!
noooo, don't comb your hair, its part of your charm! x
Cool outfit. Love all pieces and the laid back look.
B* a la Moda
Great photos. I think you shouldn't comb your hair! It looks awesome as it is. And talking to stangers is great, I recommend it for sure!
GREAT outfit!
I love the combinaise between the denim shorts and leather jacket!!
Great look and grear blog.
..love your hair!!!
ah looking good as always!!
great cut offs !
I like the messy hair :)
love it.the outfit
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