

ok fellas, i tried to find fitting words to tell you this for a while now.... but failed.
yeah, maybe i did to many mommy jokes here x)
....we are superthrilled that our beloved little fighter will be in our arms at the begining of july.

looooove <3
i am wearing: denimish dress+jacket: h&m, leo cycle shorts: ebay.co.uk, shoes: jeff campbell /mary roks, rings from left to right: 2x ebay.co.uk, brook& lyn, emp.de/adderbite ring, nailpolish: o.p.i/you don't know jacques!, lipstick: manic panic/ blackrose&raven mixed


Eva said...

Incredible. Congratulations, Eszter. <3

ELINET said...

i wonder what all the mystery is about.
im dumb.

the style crusader said...

wow congratulations!! so exciting!

p.s. am loving your combination of greys. those shoes are amazing! xx

KV said...

Aww that's so nice! Congrats :)

E said...

Yay, i love you in the army greens :-)

bianka said...

love the shorts! and the OPI lack.

Andrea said...

Amazing Outfit!

Maeko said...

eszter!!!! Congratulations, darling!

I hope everything is as magical and wonderful as it seems it will be.


BTW, I am hosting a giveaway at my site, check it out!

Maeko @ thereafterish.

Smaragdalena said...

Congratulations!!!!!!!!! My two sisters are pragnent too. One will delivere in june and the other one in july.. =D
XOXO Magdalena in sweden

kid said...

Congratulations Eszter! You will be one incredibly stylish mom.

Sandy Label said...

amazin' colours and great pictures! i love all of them. i envy shoes & hair :d

Lou said...

Congrats! What wonderful news! Still as stylish as ever...

Smaragdalena said...

....and THANK YOU for checking out my blogg, too!! ;)

And I love, love, LOVE the snakering!!!

runawayfromhome said...

hell yeah, your baby will be the best dressed fellow out there!
congratsss!!! :)

Isabel said...

Wow, amazing!! Good luck Ezster!

PUNKIE said...

OMG!! OMG!! OMG!!! this is a great news!! wow, I'm very happy for you!! :D
and this pics are just amazing as usual!! you look so beautiful... a super cool mummy! ;D

the ring and the shoes are to die for!

Crystal said...

Congrats! Such great news!!

lucie said...

congratulations!!it s wonderful!!and your look is amazing!you are so pretty!


Congratulations! I love the leopard peeking out and the platform shoes rock! xo


Taryn said...

i was inlove with the shoes...but then i saw the rings!!!!!!!

amalie said...

i looooooooooooove your shoes! and lovely pictures :)

Andrea Morgenstern said...

i love the leo shorts!

MissKimmy said...

aww congratulations!!! love the shoes

XO Kimmy

Karoline said...


Your shoes are amazing.

Martha said...

Oh my gosh! Congratulations :)

Amber Lucas A Mused Blog said...

love the leopard sticking out from under the dress!

Oooh you're pregnant?! Congrats girl!!! July! How could we not tell?? Haha. YAY!!!!


assonnata said...

OMG Congratulations!!! July? Really? Wouldn't notice a thing. And I love the boots by the way.

lisalovesowls said...

congrats!!! much love !

meagan said...

congrats!!! best of luck to you and your new family!

Rosa said...

I love the lightning and how you shot the picture. I love the outfit.

Vanilla.Taste said...

love the dress :)

Pennerad said...

shoes are so cool!
great look.

Lainey said...

That snake ring is intense! I'm completely obsessed with your entire look.

Anonymous said...


Stella said...

Congratulations! And your snake ring is stunning!!

Kathrynsky said...


ELINET said...

ok i understood, sorry for the dumbness earlier that day.

gosh you and being a mom.
this is SO amazing and exciting.
i think youre gonna be like the best mom in the world with the bestdressed kid in the world.

my cousin is having a baby tomorrow (the doctors said so..), i'm really looking forward to it and now i have to feeling to look forward to another baby again. yours :D
i wish you all the best for the next weeks and months.

all my ♥ for you.

Jenny Cindy said...

Oh wow, what exciting news!! Congratulations!!

Lions, Tigers and Fashion OH MY! said...

congratulations, sooo happy for you ;) I wish you the best xoxo

Anonymous said...

yeah, we need mommys out there like you! your child will be so beautiful in the in- and outside.


missDTM said...

congrats!! that's very exciting...

The Sydney Girl said...

amazingness x

paulinabelle said...

congrats! im so happy for you!

Anonymous said...

Congratz! I'm a new reader and follower but reallly! COngratulations! I love your style and photos btw!

x victoria


Connie said...


The Heartbreak

Valencia Lia said...

i love love the dress and the leopard bike shorts peeping out!

And your rings,wowww! Amazing:) And girl,yayyyy congrats hot moma! Awww,I'm so happy for you.

Sjaar said...

congratulations, the kid can be proud of she/his mom. And still loving your style!

Daria said...

CONGRATS!!!! you're amazing!

Insomnia said...

You'll be such a cool mom, congrats!!
Luv the snake ring!

Unknown said...

love your tights and ur lipstick!!


Birgitte said...

I adore the ring!

xoxo Birgitte


caylee said...

oh my gosh congratulations eszter!
now you can show all of the mommys-to-be out there that you can be stylish and preggers at the same time =)
and i absolutely love everything that you are wearing here!! shoes + jewelry + biker shorts are to die for.

M said...

I can't wait to see your pregnancy outfits!! Wish you a nice healthy baby :)

- said...

u are an inpiration.

Joellen said...

Awesome, and love your nail color!


apparellel said...

you are surely the best dressed, and best looking pregnant mamma to grace this earth. congrats gorgeous one!


Blue is in Fashion this Year said...


Another great outfit :) You're on my blog today!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! :) xxx

... said...

great outfit and amazing photos!
It's my birthday today!!
check my site:
The Birthday Girl

Donna A. said...

Congratulations! :)

Song of Style said...

love this. love it even more becus ur so edgy but u wear the most adorable feminine clothes!
and congrats on ur little fella. he sure has the most awesome stylish mom! <3

Dija said...

OMG Congrats!!! I'm so happy for you!

emily said...

i lovelovelove your shoes, and that snake ring is simply amazing.

congrats as well :)


Rose said...

wow, u have such cool style!

amelia x

Anonymous said...

Many congratulations! And I really hope to see many, many pregnancy outfits from you. There is hardly anything out there, at least as far as I can tell, and I'm counting on you for inspiration! A devoted reader

travinia said...

you look fantastic as always


susanna said...

congrats <33 all my love to you

tmacko said...

Gratulálok!! :)

Sammy-B said...

congrats gorgeous!! aaa im so excited for you!! i was not long ago but lost it :( love your style still so amazing! love sammy

Birgitte said...

I am in love with the shoes and the rings!


xox Birgitte


gih said...

A snake ring? how nice that woman. She's awesome.

Nicoline said...

Congrats! :)

I want to ask you - which size have you orded the snake ring in?

The best <3

Pappelschnee said...

Herzlichen Glückwunsch! :)

A.n.E said...

ooo yay! congrats!! take care of yourself xx

Yve said...

Congrats =)
And I NEED that snake ring!!

Beth said...

I love love love the French line from OPI. 'You don't know jacques' is one of my favorites.


Altanero said...

As always simple and amazing ;ppp but the snake ring (?) is just stunning.

sofia said...

I'm so inspired by your style, is it ok if linked to your blog with this picture? :)

Frances Davison said...

nothing but the most beautiful of wishes for the three of you! x

moded'amour said...

gorgeous outfit! love your shoes,

and congrats!!!


Ezra said...

nice, blog, those cheetah print shoes were a great touch, and those shoes are beautiful

Andrea Morgenstern said...

i am in love with these booties!

Laura. said...

great look. love the shoes!

and congrats!


thenoircollective said...

Congratulation darl!
and that ring.. oh my!

Anonymous said...

nice shoes

Everyone loves fashion said...

oh damn these rings!!! I'm totally obsessed by it! And actually, your blog is such a good inspiration! Thanks for sharing it with us :)

iliketweet said...

Congratulations! My sister just had a baby girl, she is the best thing she's ever made :)

Love these photos and your shoes!



J^^h Dagort said...

amei o anel de cobra...beijo


Amazing blog, inspiring style.
Gonna add you 2 my BLOGROLL, feel free to return the favor!!


Oricale Heart said...

loving th nail colour and that snake ring is off the hook F*IN AMAZING :)

6roove said...

do great! congrats :)

fantastic boots <3

Watching the waves

Unknown said...

Congrats!! You are gonna be such a cool mum!!

Katharina said...


you dress i just amazing and i'm in love with the shoes!

Unknown said...


blanka said...

you're just gorgeous.

Daniella said...

that ring is incredible!!
and wow, congrats!!!

Maria@chicisimo said...

Congratulations!!! These are wonderful news!!!!

Arushi Khosla said...

Loveee the shoes and the jacket and you :)

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! And your snake ring is stunning!!
where do you buy your ring?
thank you

Anonymous said...

amazing pictures

love that nailpolish color!


playwithfashion said...

Great wedges:)))

Soooali said...

Congratulations, I am so happy for you. I hope you'll keep posting. You look beautiful. All the best wishes x x

MustHaveFashion.pl said...

this true, amazing wedges !

bridierussell said...

These rings are AMAZING! Especially the snake one :)
The shots are awesome too!!
Love the blog.


isis said...

love the leopard tight shorts!! and the shoes. wish they weren't sold out everywhere.

Anki ★ said...

The Outfit looks great!

Annie Spandex said...

I love the leopard bicycle shorts peeping out!!! They look like the tops of thigh highs. Pure genius, I fucking love it

Annie Spandex said...

And the snake ring... fuck!! So cool, I want it

afreak said...

Congrats for the baby :)
And by the way I'm in love with those rings and boots !

vio said...

you're simply BIG BIG LOVE!

Aloha Soleil said...

Congratulations :)