first, i missed you fellas.
thanks so much for your warm and motivating words and thoughts.
it helped me, and it means the world to me.
it does.
second, rolling out of the gutter wasnt pretty.
never was.never will.
but life is a nutty miracle and its all fuckin worth it in the end.
again and again.everytime around.
kiddos promise me if you have problems please reach out to your family,friends or professionals,ok?
i love you and i am happy to have you honeybunnies around.
your girl is officially back to her old tricks.
hugs eszter
it does.
second, rolling out of the gutter wasnt pretty.
never was.never will.
but life is a nutty miracle and its all fuckin worth it in the end.
again and again.everytime around.
kiddos promise me if you have problems please reach out to your family,friends or professionals,ok?
i love you and i am happy to have you honeybunnies around.
your girl is officially back to her old tricks.
hugs eszter
i wear:blue and green vintage dresses: etsy and ebay, socks: leg avenue/ ebay, shoes:ebay, rings: ebay, f21, brook&lyn
i'm glad you're back! :*
welcome back. glad to see you're in one piece dear.
Aww I'm glad you're better and I'm glad you're posting again :)
Your dresses are gorgeous and those socks are sooo cute <3
I'm so happy that you're back! Hope you're ok :)
i missed you and your clothes sweetum! i hope your doing well, sounds like some serious things going on there...
to have true friends & family is the most important thing on earth, indeed.
keep it up.
i am ecstatic that you're back, i've missed you terribly, never leave again, the blog world is a sad place without you :( love anya
so you're back. hope everything is fine.
damn those legs! würd ich für töten.
back =)
wonderful dress!
Yaaaaaay you are back!!!! :D:D
Aw, I'm so glad to see you're back! And in such a girly ensemble - I want your socks!!
Oh my God, it is so good to see you! And with such pretty shoes:P I know how it is to have issues, and it is great when you find a lightning point you can hold on to.
Great to see you back blogging again :)
Lovely pictures. I love the socks and shoes combo x
so glad your back, I only just discovered your blog when you when on a leave of absence and I was very sad so I am totally looking forward to your beautiful future in the blogging world
it is good to see you back!!!
you look amazing, especially in those socks and shoes =)))
seeing a new post from you pop up in my google reader made my WHOLE FUCKING DAY. thanks.
love the pictures ;D
Sooo glad you are BACK!!
Fellow sock + heels lover.
Your style is sickness on acid.
Karen x
welcome back :) love your dresses and shoess!
welcome back honey :)
im so glad you back !! and that everything is good again.... what dosnt kill you only makes you stronger,looking very beautiful vtw :D
i`m so glad u`re okay and back.love all ur looks.
it takes so much strength to admit your faults and take care of them so congratulations, you look more beautiful than ever and cant wait to see some new killer looks!
Great to see you here again and that you've dealt with the problems you had!
And great socks too but that's trivial :D
glad you're back, i have missed your posts :)
Welcome back Eszter!! :D
welcome back! those lace socks paired with those shoes really just got to me. LOVE!!!
XO Kimmy
welcome back!
loving the sandals with little lace socks, need to try that out soon.
Welcome back!
i just rolled outa bed.. poured myself some coffee, turned on the computer and here you are... i am a happyhalfasleepGRRL :) i think you look rockN in the riotgrrlbabydolldresses...
ps i featured you on my blog a couple post back xoxoxoxoxo check it out
Oh you made my day... week... month... maybe even year! So good to have you back!!! And those shoes... pure porn...
I guess that thing wasnt half so bad as i would imagine since you still had the time for shopping hehhee
Love the shoes and socks! The dreses are cute too.
so glad you're back. welcome.
great heels!
so glad to hear ur back. You were missed :)
so alice and wonderland! i love it!
lekisskiss.blogspot.com <-- bloggin all things fashion from NYC!
weel come back dear!!! I'm so happy to see you again! :D
great shoots as usual, you always rock!
Beautiful pics and I am melting over those shoes!!!!
She's BACK!!!! and made my day :)))))
you look great
Yay! You're back. I discovered your blog after you'd gone and I was amazed at how great you are and also disappointed that you were gone for a bit. But you're back and now I can gush over how much I love you shoes. [=
we all glad to see U again! gorgeous as always
just great outfit!
kisses :)
Watching the waves
so happy youre finally back! i hope youre feeling much better :]
those shoes are incredible <3
its so weird, i was just thinking about you last night--no coincidences i guess, welcome back xoxo
you're back! you look gorgeous! i love that dress!
love love love!
Good to see you back:)
Stay strong.
missed you so much eszter.
it's good to see that you've come back healthy and well :)
look forward to your posts!
Glad you´re back:D
fab and fierce!
Believe me, you have been missed, and I'm glad you're back and better than ever.
I totally agree, if you're going through something terrible, you should always seek treatment. If by therapy or by seeking intervention of good friends and family. People who love you and care for you no matter what.
I am glad you were able to do that. Welcome home, darling.
So good to have you back and looking better than ever!
So glad to have you back, with reassuring news and amazing pictures! Hope you are ok, sweetie <3
glad to have you back!
just discoverd ur blog! great stuff! xx cat
CiTiEs of B
um, you have such cute outfits here!
love your legs not trying to sound creepy but those little lace sockies are adorable
Welcome back!
youre such a lovely person from what i have read on your blog. glad youre back and still positive:) love this post as much as all your other posts, your blog is amazing!
Welcome back...
You are so fierce girl. Welcome back
glad to see you back
amazing pics! welcome back yo!
welcome back :D
the conflict of black and white is tremendous x
i am so in love with your LBD!
and the socks.
yum yum yum yum yum!
So beautyful and sexy! Your lovely,bare legs and kinky tighs,allways make my cock hard as a rock!!!
Fabulous outfits! those shoes are absolutely gorgeous!
So glad you're back! You and your style were greatly missed!
im glad to see you back and doing well! great killer heels there! love it.
Love your blog!
check out my blog about london fashion life and my internship at Escada
So delighted you've come back! I was so happy to see you looking so well too!
glad you are well. striking and encouraging words that you wrote.
have just found your blog and it is beautiful... the photos and your outfits. xx
gorgeous girl
Welcome back!!
Was waiting for your new entry so bad, you are such an inspiration for me!! Love your stlye!
I am so glad you are back! You are amazing and every single one of these pictures is amazing!
i can't believe you're back, that's awesome! well done. i love everything about your blog and your style never ceases to inspire me.
congrats, you made it. i hope everything is amazing for you from now on.
Nice to hear that you are back in business again :-) Love your blog and I missed you a lot
I'm so glad that you're back, and with this, it's amazing. Love the cute dresses and your socks to the shoes. Perfect!
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 bis bald, oide! :)
there are no words to describe this,
maybe perfection?
maby freaking out?
maby i loved it
missed you doll!
you are amazing beyond words.<3
no worries, my dear;) i assure you we missed you just as much! loving the shoes especially. you have the most killer legs!
xx raez
great to have you back. started to get boring with all the good girls.
xx susanne
u back! me happy! I've been following your blog for quite a time but I think this is my very first comment and I just wanted to say that your the best! <:
oh, I've missed you too!
Glad your back. Stay strong girl.
Love those shoes, and with the blue dress!!
wOoOO.. magnific picssssssssss....ilove it!!!*
i really love those shoes!
..............i FoLLoW you!*
Visit my blog&follow me! =;-D
I don't think I've ever commented before, but I just wanna say I'm glad you're back.
definitely missed you :)
I love your dress, especially the mint green one and the those shoes are divine.
Theory of a fashion victim
Yay you're back!!! I'm so glad you're doing better. You look amazing!! Awesome looks, as per usual!!
SO SO SO SO glad you're back!!!! I missed your words, thoughts, and photos!!! As for pulling yourself out of the gutter, boy do I know something about that! Cheers to you for doing something about it! Yah! Oh, and ironically here's my blog, All Of Us In The Gutter...
love your style and blog!
your back!!! ;D
Welcome back!
I'm a fairly recent reader of your blog, and just wanted to say hi.
Oh, I am so happy that your blog is back! You have excellent taste and put your own personal twist on everything!
I love the Peter Pan collar dress...amazing!
Congrats on your return!
I'm glad you're back, I missed you and your blog. You look beautiful, I love the mit dress!
it's good to have you back. i hope everything is ok now.
Yeay yeay yeay so glad your back!! That mint dress is perfection.x
So happy your back and feelin' good again girl!!! love as always!! <3
There's something really disturbing in your images. Luv that vibe though it might mess with your head eventually.
so nice to have you back!
look forward to your future entries! :)
I'm glad you're back, and those socks and heels are too die!
Welcome back!
I have to ask... Where on Etsy did you find those dresses? They are amazing and i have looked EVERYWHERE!!
I hope to find the answer through you!! :D
- XXX Christine!!
Like the colour of your hair always sets any outfit nicely
Welcome back! I'm so glad to see your pics and looks again!
Are you interested in exchange our links?
I'm so happy to see you back and doing fine. Glad you got through whatever it was that you had to get through.
Loving those dresses, they're too damn cute <3 And you make them look so cool - perfect combination.
i love the lace socks and shoes combo!!!!!!!
YES. endlich bist du wieder zurück!
love your blog and had it still in my reader!
a little hommage to you <3
<3 <3
Im soo glad to see you back on track. =)
HUGS & KISSES too you Ezter!!
XOXO Magdalena aka Smaragdalena
Glad your back darling! Stay strong. You are beautiful.
Love, love, love the sandals!
Lovely shoots!
Irene's Closet
Just found your blog, nice to hear you're ok again=] and I lovelovelove your hair&dress!
your back!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ^_^ and still lovely
Im so happy you're back! ♥
wow I'm so glad you're back! I love your style/blog/pictures.
Rock on!!
Yay you're back!! Hope you're feeling better now--you def feel stronger :) I love all these girly/teaparty/childhood dresses you're wearing. Better yet...those freaking socks!?! AHHHHH Just precious. Do you remember by any chance the seller????
missed you ~^_^~ great to have you back and all better
good to have you back! Love the girly dresses on you...
Very Taylor Momsen ish. Love the lace socks.
Hey!Glad you're back..
We missed the rock inspiration! ; )
I love your lace shoe it’s stunning.
You look like you’re really lost on this photo. I love the little girly like dress that your wearing.
OH JOY! You´re back! WOHOOO!!!
du glaubst nicht wie froh ich bin das du wieder da bist :)
grüße aus deutschland :P
good to see that u r back in action. and loving these new looks! xx
Your shoes are so freaking want-worthy! agh!
youre back!!
love your new looks!
just discovered your blog! very pretty! love this post and have been obsessively looking for lace socks like that!!
glad everything is ok, and good blessings to you this NEW YEAR!!!
glad that your back with us girly,
looking amazing as always.
shoes = yum!
i love your photos!
Glad to see you back again! It's so amazing, seeing such an adorable fashionista, who lives in the same city as I do. Vienna is beautiful, isnt it? <3
If you have time, stop by my blog:
Have a great day xxx
YAY You are back! And looking better than ever. Those socks are so cute and your legs look super fit ;)
Just found your blog and glad to see you are back. Those dresses are gorgeous and you have the most amazing style the image of the third post has been everwhere xoxo
just found this amazing blog! your style is so unique and the photography is so good! you should be a model! just read this post and i no what you mean, but sometimes its hard right? i run away normally :s not good!
glad to hear your back
following this blog :)
love sammy
Girl,I'm so so happy that you're back!! Really glad to know that you're feeling all better now. Kepp smiling and you go girl:)
I really your dresses and those socks with the heels are so gorgeous<3
Love how you look sweet and dangerous at the same time!
Nice shoes. YSL <3
Ive been on a rehab lately.Today i came back and i also recommend turning to ur family and proffesionals if anybody has any serious problems.coz as u said - its worth it.
I´m so happy to see that you continued blogging! I ´discovered´ your blog after you stopped it for a while.
Great great blog, and i love your outfits! xxx
reminds me of courtney love !
awesome . (:
i totally love your dresses!
excellent stuff, nice blog. the shoes!
aawww god!! those shoes are so fucking amazingg!!
the web isn't big enough to comprehend such immaculate style.
WOW die Schuhe sind ja der Hammer
a la YSL
woher her genau hast du die den von ebay?
Gibt es da einen bestimmten link?
Würde mich echt über eine antwort freuen!!
Grüße aus NÖ
You are so cool! And i love your hair. You rockss! sorry my bad english i`m from Finland, but i just wanna say that i love to read yut blog and yours pictures is really goood:DD
I love your blog.
Those little dresses are gorgeous.
That ladies are so adorable. I like them all.
Your dresses are so cute !
wow, love your special style, that socks and shoes
Just a question اسمارت مگ . Do you think ضد فراماسونری you could add a little more in the way of content here? I think youve got some راهنمای خرید interesting points, but Im just not sold. مجله ریما If you really want to get the crowd behind you,
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