yay dolls,i looove spring!me and my boy enjoyed the first reasonably warm night outside.if you wonder why its always just me in the pics...sweetheart is shy....bless his soul.but i will smuggle a pic of him here soon.definitely.
he will hate me.
hope you are fine babes!
xxo eszter
cropped leatherjacket:ebay, denim jacket:ebay, shirt:ebay/topshop, shorts:vintage+diy, shoes:h&m, rings:ebay
badass, as always
your so cool it hurts!
Love your look time after time
VW armor ring. LOVE
awesome look! I love your top
oh man...nights like these are too much. it's awesome that nice weather makes us drink like there's no tomorrow! good times.
i like the shoes!!
-best spring 08 flats
-karl lagerfeld quotes
looking good!
i can't wait until summertime too
okay, I need to do that to my shorts now, and that shirt is epic
You look sooo chic, very effortless!
ur outfit pics never fails to amaze. =D hotttt pants, sick rings & bangles
pure grunge! Love it.
Absolutely stunning, love it. You're great.
sag mal, schaffst du's eigentlich auch irgendwann mal einfach nur scheisse auszusehen? nein, oder?
soooo HAWWWT!
I love this!
mein gott ey, ich liebe deinen blog! die fotos sind so wahnsinnig geil. ich will auch mal wieder abends auf ner parkabank rumhängen und bier trinken. es ist erbärmlich nicht mal dafür zeit zu haben...
weiter so!!!
amazing photo's, i LOVE the tee
wow wow wow these pictures are iconic im in love with this shoot.
hey eine wienerin :) auch wenn das outfit nicht mein stil ist, aber die fotos sind ein wahnsinn! bin vollkommen begeistert und hoff bald wieder was von dir zu sehen.
Really fantastic Style. I love your inspiration! Happy day!
Love the top and lipstick!
oo man you amaze me fuck so good!!!
Amazing photos. Amazing outfit.
Amazing legs! Haha :D
I think you may like this :)
Love it!
You're on my blogroll, lady...
sooo, you are pretty much the fucking coolest ?
definitely :)
like a young debbie harry reincarnate !
oh god. You really can do no wrong, can you? ;)
Loving everything about this, dear--the hair, the lips, the pose, and of course the shoes!!!
Keep being badass.
That's why we love yah, hun!
these pics are to much fun!
u reek of coolnesssssss. i love love stalking ur blog for ur rad pix everytime.....!!!! the red lip is killa ahmazing on your. the pix, the style, everythin...U smash it everytime!!!
amazing!!! great blog
unbe-freakin-leavably hot photo taking. wouldn't think to take angles like that on a bench. bring red lips back!
You are too hot!
lol wtf outside drinking and looking cool, acutally I've never done that..
I'm totally in love with your style...
damn! why I waited so long to buy this boots?? now are out of stock... damn... damn!!!
Die Bilder sind sehr cool geworden.
em, I love you? those red lips are haunting.
i don´t know why, but looking at those pics made me happy. crazy me
oooh attitude
your blog is toooo good x
The bench peektures are hawt.
these are really cool photos, i love the perspective.
I love this t-shirt!!
looooooove this photos you look pefect!
An sich ist dein Stil ganz cool, aber weniger ist manchmal mehr. Diese Shorts plus das Top plus das Makeup plus die Posen wirken einfach nur billig wie eine heruntergekommene Prostituierte... Sorry! Der Trick ist, die Grenze zu erkennen, bis zu der der trashige Look noch gut aussieht.
I dig all the accessories!
Love your outfit and photos, as usual! I love the way you accessoried it with your awesome jewellery!
yourlook in every photo is great
Great blog, I love your shoes!
i love your top, great pics :)
you look great,
love the shoes and the red lips!
wow, i love your whole look!!
so BA and EDGY:)
Cool pics! love your boots, they're absolutely gorgeous!!!
lovelyyy blog
great style
I loveeee it!
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